Now Enrolling for the 2025-2026 School Year
Educating children since 1967, our goal is to provide a nurturing and educational environment. We do this by providing a classroom with developmentally appropriate materials and activities, and by allowing our students to learn through play. Research has shown that young children learn best while playing with materials that are appropriate for their age, so they will experience success.
A morning at preschool
- Free Choice: is an hour of decisions. The centers available are blocks, rice table, housekeeping, table toys, art & easel, special interest table (math, language arts, science) large muscle (slide, big blocks, teeter tooter, balance beam) or books. We encourage the children to enjoy all centers but the final decision during this hour is the child’s. This is the longest time span of our day because play is so important to a child’s development. PLAY is a child’s WORK.
- Story Time: is so valuable to pre-reading skills.
- Snack Time: not only replenishes our physical needs it also is a wonderful sharing and taking turns time. As we pass napkins, crackers, fruit, cups, pour our own water from a child sized pitcher and enjoy conversation around the table with all of our friends.
- Music Time: is for singing songs, listening to music and moving our bodies. When we sing and move our bodies, we are using both the left and right sides of our brains.
- Circle Time: is when we come together to gather information (such as colors, shapes, names, etc.) and to give information about ourselves. Circle time stretches our memories, adds information and lengthens our attention span for sitting and taking turns.
- Large Muscle Time: is so important to your child’s growth. Not only does large muscle time develop stronger and healthier bodies but also helps all children excel in school.